LUTEINIZING HORMONE (LH)- hormone that is responsible for the maturation of eggs. It causes the leydig cells to release testosterone. This hormone is normally elevated in PCOS, contributing to increased testosterone.
LEYDIG CELLS- cells responsible for secreting testosterone.
FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE (FSH)- hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle and plays an important role in ovulation.
ANDROGENS- category of sex hormones, including testosterone, that are present in males and females.
ENDOMETRIAL THICKNESS- thickening of the uterine lining.
FOLLICLE- fluid-filled sacs capable of releasing an egg in the ovaries.
PROLACTIN- hormone responsible for lactation.
TRIGLYCERIDES- lipids that may increase the risk of heart disease or stroke if elevated.
OOCYTE- immature egg cell.
HYPERANDROGENISM- excess androgens, like testosterone.